I’ll be honest, I’ve cheated a lot in school, but there’s one time I cheated in the 7th grade that I remember more vividly than most. I remember this time so well not because I was caught, but rather, because I got away with it and it taught me that people trust what I have… Continue Reading→
This week marks some very large milestones in my life. I’ve consistently written and published posts on this blog for the past 40 weeks (and see no signs of stopping,) tomorrow marks my two year anniversary with my girlfriend, and on Saturday morning I’ll be running my first marathon at the NAIA National Championships. Although… Continue Reading→
This past Friday, I was given the rare opportunity to take part in a workshop with Stefan Sagmeister. I learned four valuable lessons during this workshop. 1) Don’t put your heroes on pedestals. 2) Don’t be a babysitter. 3) Get uncomfortable. 4) Address People Of the 100+ applicants, only 45 were accepted in, and so… Continue Reading→
One year ago, as we were driving back from Creative South a large red building with “Dunn’s Antiques and Auctions” painted on the side caught our eye. We looked at each other with excitement and knew we had to stop. Still on a creative high from the conference, we were jumping as we got out… Continue Reading→