Category: Lessons Learned

In 7th Grade I Cheated On A Project

I’ll be honest, I’ve cheated a lot in school, but there’s one time I cheated in the 7th grade that I remember more vividly than most. I remember this time so well not because I was caught, but rather, because I got away with it and it taught me that people trust what I have…
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Thoughts from Stefan Sagmeister’s Workshop

This past Friday, I was given the rare opportunity to take part in a workshop with Stefan Sagmeister. I learned four valuable lessons during this workshop. 1) Don’t put your heroes on pedestals. 2) Don’t be a babysitter. 3) Get uncomfortable. 4) Address People Of the 100+ applicants, only 45 were accepted in, and so…
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Creative South: Lessons Learned

One year ago, as we were driving back from Creative South a large red building with “Dunn’s Antiques and Auctions” painted on the side caught our eye. We looked at each other with excitement and knew we had to stop. Still on a creative high from the conference, we were jumping as we got out…
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